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Flexion-Distraction (F/D) is a gentle, non-force adjusting procedure that works with the body's natural ability for proper healing of disc and joint related injuries. F/D requires a special table which provides spinal traction (lengthening) with subsequent flexion movements of the lumbar spine. It is a very safe, effective, conservative approach for disc injuries, neck pain and low back pain, and a definite alternative to explore if disc surgery has been recommended. Non-disc related conditions causing spinal pain (facet syndrome, spondylolisthesis, sprain/strain, scoliosis, sacroiliac syndrome, or stenosis) benefit from F/D. This technique works great to open up the muscles of the lower back by gently distracting the spinal segments and joints of the lumbar spine.  F/D has been shown to drop intradiscal pressures as low as (-)192mmHg and widens the spinal canal area by as much as 28%, which can help relieve a lot of disc-related pain. 

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